Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Teala Lund, I currently reside in Kasilof, Alaska. I have a 16-year-old son and a very supportive man in our life. For the most part, we live a quiet life, trying to avoid some of the daily stresses caused by “outside noise”. I work a full-time job as an Accounts Receivable Representative. Even at the age of 41, I’m excited to continue to grow and better myself each and every day. Life has so much to offer, and I’d like to experience more of it. I’m learning to do that by cutting through some of the outside noise we are constantly faced with. I’m hoping to share that with you here.
My main purpose in starting this blog is #1 to share thoughts and ideas with you and to network with folks of like mind. I will be discussing some of my previous adventures, my constant and continued growth to be the best human I can be for myself and those I surround myself with. I will not be discussing any one topic, just whatever thoughts or ideas flow from my brain to my fingertips. My main objective is to bring positive and/or constructive ideas to the table. Providing you an inspiring place to come that's free of political or religious conversation.
I will be 100% transparent with you, my #2 objective with this blog is not only to share ideas, thoughts, and knowledge, but to have some passive income as well. Therefore, you will find Amazon links within my content. Yes, please click the links and purchase the product I’ve recommended or share with a friend.
Now let’s jump right into Teala Cuts Through the Noise - Motivational Blog. If you find one of my blogs to be interesting or helpful, don’t forget to share with your friends. Thank you in advance.
Will Rogers
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